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Monday, February 9, 2009

Four Eyed Monsters

This is one of my favorite indie films. Why? Because it was more than a film, it was a movement that unitized social networking sites and cutting edge digital media. For me it all started with the video podcasts where Susan and Arin chronicled their tale of love, creativity and filmmaking with fresh indie rock music as the soundtrack. Then I went to a screening in Boston, followed by a Q&A session where there was plenty of excitement in the crowd because we all knew this film was special and in our own little way we were part of it.

Have you ever experienced a similar sense of community?

Soundtrack: "Oh Mandy" by The Spinto Band


  1. Haven't seen it, but heard good things about it. Susan might be starring in a film a friend of mine will be shooting this spring. I'm not sure if it's a done deal, but I know they met, chatted, and from all he told me, it all went very well...

  2. Thanks for the link! I checked it out and left him a comment. I hope they get together and do something.
