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The Lake

The main appeal of The Lake lies in the awkwardly cute chemistry between Devin Crittenden and Heather Ann Davis. They play Drew and Olivia in the WB's new web series about a group of friends who meet up every summer at Lake Eleanor. Each episode runs about ten minutes giving us a nice portion of teen angst moments that deal with light-hearted issues like first dates to more weighty ones like...well, you'll just have to watch and see.

src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="380" height="340" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" >

Official Site:

[photo via The WB]


Anne. said...

I just saw the first episode (because of this post) and I already fell in love with the cast.

Karen said...

Great, I'm glad you like it!

Action Flick Chick said...

Aww, the awkward teen years. Boy, I'm glad I'm past those and now I can watch others go through it in stuff like this and laugh.

Jordan Ruimy said...

interesting stuff, ill look out for it

Karen said...

@Action Flick Chick
Yeah, watching other people go through awkward moments is better.

Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoy it! said...

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